Hell On Wheels 2011, a set on Flickr.
Author: wooter
M Training
Change the “Access request to a site” email recipient
As a reminder for me, from http://vspug.com/wkkf/2007/05/09/changing-recipient-of-access-request-for-a-site-emails/
By default SharePoint 2007 automatically configures the access requests for a particular site to go to the person who created the site. This is not always what you want and you may find yourself receiving “Access request for a site” emails for sites you setup, but don’t actually manage. You can change this by doing the following:
- Navigate to the site in question
- Navigate to People and Groups > Site Permissions > Settings > Access Requests
Change the Send all requests for access to the following e-mail address: to the proper address.
VMWare VCenter 4.1 on Windows Server 2008 x64
Since VCenter 4.1, installing on a x64 machine is different. The major difference is that you now need a 64 bit System DSN, but which is not so easy to set up using the normal odbcad32.exe. You need the SQL Server 2008 Native Client before the VMWare VCenter 4.1 installation recognises your System DSN.