I’m just putting this up as a personal reference, but what I always missed in my Audi was the ability to have a flip-down satnav screen. The MM5000 was always mounted on top of the dashboard, and last year it even got stolen. …
Author: wooter
Pen Specialist
Aimée grew my interest in pens. She likes pens, and I have to admit that – although I don’t think I’m a pen nut, I have favourite pens, and choose my pens wisely. I bought a certain type of pen just to be useful on my ambulance shifts (writeable on skin and gloves, no removable parts like caps, good readable), and I always liked Parker Vector fountain pens. I had numerous, in various funny colors, in highschool, and still have my last brushed steel. The thing with it was, that I always forgot where I left the refills, and as a result, my trusted Vector is again without any good old blue ink…
Until I was walking around Eindhoven today, and ran into this shop at Demer and Markstraat, almost at the central market square.
This place is packet with pens, in different styles and shapes! I even saw some Cross pens on display, so a repeat visit is in order! Back to work now!
Picture post
This is my blog. Our blog. At least, this is me. Looking at Toronto. And Aimée looking at me, obviously 😛