Daytrip to PEI

This is a bit of a mishmash between my time-lapse I did driving to and through PEI, and footage shot looking around the island. Prince Edward Island, or shorter called PEI, is the smallest province of Canada and only connected to the mainland with a few ferry lines and the relatively recently built Confederation Bridge.


Timelapse: Toronto to Moncton

OK, it technically is Brampton, ON to Shediac, ON, but only Canadians would realize what trip this is then.

We traveled in 2 days, with a stop in Kingston, ON for burgers. We stayed overnight in Four Points by Sheraton in Lévis, near Quebec City, and drove on to Shediac, NB with stops at the visitor’s centre on the QB-NB border and Pirate de la Mer fish restaurant in Edmunston, NB, a few kilometers past the border.
