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(Nederlands) Over Channel Busy en RX Lijsten

This is currently the theoretical reach of all DMR repeaters connected to the Belgian BrandMeister network:
The following assumptions were made in generating this map:
This simulation does not take in account possible reception of stations located outside of Belgium. However, some German, Dutch and French stations are available in Belgium.
I’ve been active for a while now as an amateur radio ham operator on different HAM DMR networks.
Digital mobile radio (DMR) is an open digital mobile radio standard defined in the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and used in commercial products around the world. With these commercial products, HAM radio enthousiasts have developed international networks to communicate and extend the functions of these networks.
These commercial products, portable and mobile radio’s, are programmed to function within these HAM networks.
Over time, I have gathered the necessary software to program these devices (CPS), some documentation and have created my own “codeplugs”, the individual programmation per device.
You can find these files, as is, without documentation, here.
Update: Data from 2016-01-02 taken from the UBA website, together with a separation per network. For unclear reasons a number of sysops have decided to switch back to DMR+ and to remove themselves from the Belgian Brandmeister network. This means that currently none of the networks can offer full coverage across the country.