You’re on your own now! part 1

Well, not really.  I’m planning to, though.

I have been an employee practically since I got out of school, in August 1999.  I have been been building up quite some years of experience in all things IT related.  I started out as a Web Designer, but was quickly coding and scripting away in Perl, PHP, ASP, ColdFusion and Javascript.  I learned how to use Linux, and applied this knowledge in small scale web hosting situations, and international hosting environments.  I learned the inner workings of networks, how name servers work, how firewalls and proxies work.  I got to touch Windows Server administration, building and testing calamity plans, installing and migrating Exchange Servers, working with SMS, developing with and maintaining of SQL Server. … 



Yeah, um, it took about 135 days to hit 30000 km with the bimmer.  I expect by that rate to reach 100000 by mid november?  Awch!


Anyway, she’s driving wonderfully and quite trustworthy.  A week ago I ran a flat tire, but with the RunFlat tires mounted I could continue to a tire center for a quick fix.  Because, this thing:


… ended up in my right rear tire!  A 10 cm long and 2cm wide iron slat! … 
