Programming a Kenwood TK-3101 on a too quick machine

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6 thoughts on “Programming a Kenwood TK-3101 on a too quick machine

  1. Hi there,

    Nice article. Where did you source the software?

    I have a number of 3101’s and Yaesu VX-240’s that I would like to program identical, channel number for channel number.

    Thank you

  2. The software is proprietary, but Google can be your friend.

    I do not think the software allows to program 3101’s and Yaesu radio’s, so you would need to program them each in their separate program and manually make sure you are using the same channel numbers.

  3. Hi
    many thanks for your work….i found 5 TK 3101 incl. datacable. but my dos laptop doenst exist. so i lost the programm kpg54d or kpg48d i cannot remember. Can you help me with a progr. downloadlink…and is there a possibility to prg on a vista pc??

    thanks a lot and best regards


  4. Hi i would like to read the original article.
    It looks like i can only see the comments.

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