Programming a Kenwood TK-3101 on a too quick machine

I have managed to get the typical Kenwood software KPG54D and KPG48D for their TK-3101 transceiver on one of the fastest Apple MacBook Pro‘s currently on the market, running OSX Lion, using VMWare Fusion, Windows XP and DOSBox. This might also work on any other virtualization environment, such as Parallels or VirtualBox, and even natively on other Windows versions.



You’re on your own now! part 1

Well, not really.  I’m planning to, though.

I have been an employee practically since I got out of school, in August 1999.  I have been been building up quite some years of experience in all things IT related.  I started out as a Web Designer, but was quickly coding and scripting away in Perl, PHP, ASP, ColdFusion and Javascript.  I learned how to use Linux, and applied this knowledge in small scale web hosting situations, and international hosting environments.  I learned the inner workings of networks, how name servers work, how firewalls and proxies work.  I got to touch Windows Server administration, building and testing calamity plans, installing and migrating Exchange Servers, working with SMS, developing with and maintaining of SQL Server. … 
